Following Him is devoted to helping real women, with real lives, follow a real Savior, by helping them know God’s Word, understand God’s Word and apply God’s Word to their lives.
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Take Courage
Do you need courage today? I don’t know about you, but if courage to face all the things in my life could be found in
When things are not up to par…..
The last 18 months have been some of the busiest of my life. I’ve written a bible study, done retreats, written new messages, started a
Finding shelter from the bombs of life…..
Bomb blasts shattered Boston today. Lives were lost. Limbs were lost. Bryan Burke via Compfight Perhaps your life was torn apart by another kind of
If you have been broken….
It doesn’t take a second to be broken by the choices of others, by the words of others or the action of others. Rachel Titiriga
If Jesus rose from the dead…everything is different!
Below is a monologue I wrote and performed many years ago. I wrote it as if Mary, the mother of Jesus, is telling someone, early
What’s so amazing about grace?
Dear Reader, I have a confession to make. I only understood part of God’s truth about grace. My misunderstanding kept me dwelling in fear for